Speaking @ Conferences
Keynotes, Seminars, Workshops
Iqbal Barkat Ali is a business consultant, author and speaker. He integrates the best of Eastern and Western principles, and presents a distinct approach to life and leadership.
Iqbal has been a member of 3 executive teams, and brings over 30 years of organizational effectiveness experience. His leadership philosophy is driven by his core values and beliefs: we are all part of one humanity, and we have the responsibility to make the world a better place. Iqbal is the author of 3 books, including Integrity Matters: Living the Good Life.​
Presentation Themes
Presentation topics, duration and format are customized based on the unique needs of your audience. ​
"Iqbal is a sage and philosopher. The topics he propounds upon - Life, Performance, Integrity - are core to human existence. His work's impact will result in a better world for all."
- Ally Esmail, Social Activist / Philanthropist
Integrity Matters: Transforming How We Live and Work
Integrity is a fundamental part of being human. It entails leading our lives, and consequently our organizations, based on two essential pillars: Doing Right: Acting in accordance with our conscience and society’s norms about what is right; and Doing Good: Making a positive impact on our society with our thoughts, words, and actions. Conducting our personal and professional lives in alignment with these two pillars enables us to fulfill our responsibility of providing a valuable contribution to society, and brings purpose to our lives. From an organizational perspective, it is about utilizing our resources and infrastructure at our disposal to craft a better world for us all.
Life Matters: Make Yours Count!
The function of life is to make a contribution. Connecting with who we are and our values in the starting point for discovering and fulfilling our life’s unique purpose. Life Matters challenges the common views about success and presents a value-centered approach to life and leadership. There are no two of you alike. You are here for a reason. Build your true legacy!
Performance Matters: Success at Work, Home and Play
In todays; high-speed demanding world, many individuals face the overwhelming challenge of performing at their peak in their careers without neglecting other important areas of their lives. The result is that both individuals and organizations pay a huge price that directly impacts the bottom line. Performance Matters presents a results-driven approach to defining a balanced and successful life, and achieving peak results at work, home and play.
Inclusion Matters: Inspiring Peak Results
Your employees are your greatest assets and helping them excel is vital. An inclusive workplace culture where all employees (regardless of their identify) feel a strong sense of belonging at work is critical for sustained organizational success in today’s diverse society and workplaces. As leaders, we have the tremendous opportunity and privilege to make a significant positive impact on the lives of our clients and investors, and also on the lives of our employees and their families. And in turn, inspire peak results in our organizations.
Partial Client List
Alberta Association of Gerontology
Alberta Society of Medical Lab Technologists
Alberta Urban Municipalities Association
Association of Directors of Volunteer Resources
Association of Massage Therapists and Wholistic Practitioners
Calgary City Teachers' Convention Association
Canadian Association for People Who Stutter
Dreambuilders' Conference
Greater Edmonton Teachers' Convention Association
Women and Wellness Conference